There are places I’ll…

IMAGE: There are places I'll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still can recall, / Some are dead and some are living, / In my life I've loved them all. //

There are places I’ll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still… More »


IMAGE: There are places I'll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still can recall, / Some are dead and some are living, / In my life I've loved them all. //

一生涯忘れない場所がある。/変わってしまった場所もあるけど、/相変わらずの場所もある。/無くなった場所もあれば残っている場所もある。//みんなそれぞれの瞬間、それぞれの場面があった。/恋人との場面、友人との場面、今でも思い出せる。/もう死んだ奴もいればまだ生きている者もいる。/自分の人生において、みんな愛してきた。// – ジョン・レノン (1940 – 80) (一部ポール・マッカートニー (1942 – )) 「ビートルズ」: 『イン・マイ・ライフ』 More »

While I wait for…

IMAGE: While I wait for you, / My lord, lost in this longing, / Suddenly there comes / A stirring of my window blind: / The autumn wind is blowing. //

While I wait for you, / My lord, lost in this longing, / Suddenly there comes / A stirring of my window blind: / The autumn wind is blowing. // – Princess Nukata [Nukata no Ōkimi] (c.630? – c.690?) –… More »

No man can draw…

IMAGE: No man can draw a free breath who does not share with other men a common and disinterested ideal. Life has tought us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

No man can draw a free breath who does not share with other men a common and disinterested ideal. Life has tought us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the… More »


IMAGE: No man can draw a free breath who does not share with other men a common and disinterested ideal. Life has tought us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

利害を越えた究極の目的を人と共有する時、初めて心のままに生きることができる。人生から教わったことだが、人を愛することの本質は互いに相手を看ることではなく、共に同じ方向を観る中にあるのだ。 – サンテグジュペリ (1900 – 44): 『人間の地』 (投稿: mash nt 様; trans. by Take Moon OK) More »

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