Listen to the red…

IMAGE: Listen to the red beans. Never trust the clocks; keep an eys on them. They'll let you know what to do. Imagine the happy smiles of the people eating them. Be delicious, be delicious, be delicious.... That feeling will flow into the beans until they become delicious, sweet, anko.

Listen to the red beans. Never trust the clocks; keep an eys on them. They'll let you know what to do. Imagine the happy smiles of the people eating them. Be delicious, be delicious, be delicious.... That feeling will flow into the beans until they become delicious, sweet, anko. - Tachibana Kinetaro; Kinta; Yasuko; Rui; Hinata -- Fujimoto Yuki (1967 - ): Come Come Everybody

(Image by Martin Hetto from Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


小豆の声を聴け。時計に頼るな、目を離すな。何をしてほしいか小豆が教えてくれる。食べる人の幸せそうな顔を思い浮かべ。おいしゅうなれ、おいしゅうなれ、おいしゅうなれ……。その気持ちが小豆に乗り移る、うんとおいしゅうなってくれる、甘え(あめえ)あんこが出来上がる。 - 橘杵太郎(たちばなきねたろう);金太;安子;るい;ひなた -- 藤本有紀 (1967 - ): 『カムカムエヴリバディ(あんこのおまじない)


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