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The snake which cannot…

IMAGE: The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind. – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 – 1900): Daybreak. Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality More »


IMAGE: The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.

蛇は脱皮できなければ死ぬしかない。同様に心も、その考えを変えることができないのなら、それはもはや心ではない。 – フリードリッヒ・ヴィルヘルム・ニーチェ (1844 – 1900): 『曙光 (道徳の偏見に関する考察)』 More »


IMAGE: Jump in, let's go. / Lay back, enjoy the show. / Everybody gets high, everybody gets low, / These are the days when anything goes. / Everyday is a winding road. / I get a little bit closer. / Everyday is a faded sign. / I get a little bit closer to feeling fine. //

車に飛び乗り、さあ行きましょう。/くつろいで、ショーを楽しもうよ。/誰でも舞い上がったり、落ち込んだりするもの。/自由気ままに過ごせる日々があるのよ。/毎日が曲がりくねった道。/でもほんの少し近づいているわ。/毎日が流れ去る標識。/ほんの少しだけど、晴れやかな気持ちに近づいているわ。// – シェリル・クロウ[クロー] (1962 – ): 『エヴリデイ・イズ・ア・ワインディング・ロード』 More »


IMAGE: A bad workman (always) blames his tools.

弘法は筆を選ばず。(日本の諺) / 下手の道具選び。[下手の道具調べ。](日本の諺) / 下手な職人は必ず道具に難癖をつける。 More »

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