Search Results for: Bernard

An honest man feels…

IMAGE: An honest man feels that he must pay Heaven for every hour of happiness with a good spell of hard unselfish work to make others happy. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.

An honest man feels that he must pay Heaven for every hour of happiness with a good spell of hard unselfish work to make others happy. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume… More »


IMAGE: An honest man feels that he must pay Heaven for every hour of happiness with a good spell of hard unselfish work to make others happy. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.

誠実な人間は、自分に幸福が訪れるたび、今度は他人を幸福にするため骨身を惜しまず働いて天に報いなければならないと感じるものだ。富を生み出さずして消費する権利がないのと同様、幸福を生み出さずに消費する権利はない。 – ジョージ・バーナード・ショー (1856 – 1950): 『キャンディダ[カンディダ]』 (戯曲中、牧師モレルから青年レクシーへの台詞) More »

Since love and fear…

IMAGE: Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is much [far] safer to be feared than (to be) loved.

Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is much [far] safer to be feared than (to be) loved. – Niccolò di Bernardo Machiavelli (1469 – 1527): The Prince [Il Principe] More »


IMAGE: Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is much [far] safer to be feared than (to be) loved.

愛と恐れがめったに共存し得ないものである以上、そのどちらかを選ばねばならぬとすれば、愛されるより恐れられるほうがよほど安全なのだ。 – ニコロ・マキアヴェリ[ニッコロ・マキャヴェッリ] (1469 – 1527): 『君主論』 More »


IMAGE: You see things; and say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were and say ‘Why not?’

君たちは既にあるものを見て、「なぜあるのか」と問う。でも僕はまだないものを夢見て、「なぜないのか」と問う。 – ジョージ・バーナード・ショー (1856 – 1950) More »

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