
IMAGE: What is the nation's treasure? The will to (achieve) enlightenment is the treasure, and one who possesses it is the nation's treasure. Therefore there is an old saying that a string of (large) jewels is not the nation's treasure; the nation's treasure is one who lights up a (small) corner of the world [one who brightens the world at his corner / one who shines light into a dark corner].

国の宝とは何物ぞ。宝とは道心なり、道心ある人を名づけて国宝と為す。故に古人の曰く、径寸十枚、是れ国宝に非ず。一隅を照らす、此れ則ち国宝なりと。 – 伝教大師[最澄] (767 – 822): 『山家学生式(さんげがくしょうしき)』 / (「径寸十枚」:(直径一寸の玉[宝石]十個→)金銀財宝のこと) (PexelsによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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