Being the richest…

IMAGE: Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me. – Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011) (Image by Won-hyoung 김원형 from Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by… More »


IMAGE: Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.

自分の死後、埋葬された墓地で誰が一番金持ちかなんてどうでもいい…。夜眠りに就く時、自分たちは素晴らしいことをしたんだと言える…それが重要なんだ。 – スティーヴ[スティーブ]・ジョブズ (1955 – 2011) (Won-hyoung 김원형によるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

Strumming my pain…

IMAGE: Strumming my pain with his fingers, / Singing my life with his words. // Killing me softly with his song, / Killing me softly with his song. // Telling my whole life with his words, / Killing me softly with his song... //

Strumming my pain with his fingers, / Singing my life with his words. // Killing me softly with his song, / Killing me softly with his song. // Telling my whole life with his words, / Killing me softly with… More »


IMAGE: Strumming my pain with his fingers, / Singing my life with his words. // Killing me softly with his song, / Killing me softly with his song. // Telling my whole life with his words, / Killing me softly with his song... //

ギターで心疼かせ(こころうずかせ)、/私の人生歌う。//彼の歌が私を、/そっと殺してゆく。//彼の言葉が私の人生を、/彼の歌が私をそっと殺す…// – ロリ・リーバーマン (1951 – )、ノーマン・ギンベル (1927 – 2018): 『やさしく歌って』(【歌える訳詞】岡本健(おかもとけん) (1963 – )) (PexelsによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?

今日が人生最後の日だったら、私は今日やろうとしていることをやりたかっただろうか? – スティーヴ[スティーブ]・ジョブズ (1955 – 2011) (waldryanoによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.

シンプルで控えめな生活様式が誰にとってもベストなのだと、肉体的にも精神的にもベストなのだと信じている。 – アルベルト・アインシュタイン (1879 – 1955) (mydaydreamによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

There is no fool…

IMAGE: There is no fool like an old fool. [(There's) No fool like an old fool.] / A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

There is no fool like an old fool. [(There’s) No fool like an old fool.] / A fool at forty is a fool indeed. (Image by ArtTower from Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »


IMAGE: There is no fool like an old fool. [(There's) No fool like an old fool.] / A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

年老いた愚か者ほどの愚か者はいない。 / 四十歳で馬鹿なら本当に馬鹿だ。 (ArtTowerによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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