Why do we create? If…

IMAGE: Why do we create? If we don't, the world will be too boring, so create something. Get your pencil and paper right now. That's it. Just make whatever sound you like, make the sound you want to make.

Why do we create? If we don’t, the world will be too boring, so create something. Get your pencil and paper right now. That’s it. Just make whatever sound you like, make the sound you want to make. – Taro… More »

When we see persons…

IMAGE: (The master said:) When we see persons of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see persons of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.

(The master said:) When we see persons of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see persons of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. – Confucius (551? – 479B.C.): Lun Yü [The Analects (of… More »

Young people…

IMAGE: Young people searching for their "real self" must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one's daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently than any amount of introspection or intellection.

Young people searching for their “real self” must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one’s daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently… More »

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