Search Results for:  great


IMAGE: Great pains but all in vain. / You fish fair and catch a frog.

骨折り損の草臥れ儲け(くたびれもうけ)。 – 『いろは歌留多(江戸)』 / ずいぶん釣りをして蛙一匹。 / (日本の諺)労多くして功少なし。 / (中国~日本の諺)労して功なし。 – 荘子[荘周] (紀元前369頃? – 前286頃?): 「天運」 / (無駄骨…) More »

What is form that…

IMAGE: What is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form. [Form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than form. / Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form.]

What is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form. [Form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than form. / Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form.] – Prajñâ-Pâramitâ-Hridaya-Sûtra [The Great Heart of Wisdom Sutra… More »


IMAGE: What is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form. [Form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than form. / Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form.]

色即是空(しきそくぜくう)、空即是色(くうそくぜしき)。 – 『般若波羅蜜多心経(はんにゃはらみつたしんぎょう)』 / (色は即ち是れ空なり(しきはすなわちこれくうなり)、空は即ち是れ色なり(くうはすなわちこれしきなり)。) More »

Great oaks from little…

IMAGE: Great [Mighty/Tall] oaks from little [tiny] acorns grow.

Great oaks from little acorns grow. [(ME) As an ook cometh of a litel spyr.] – Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343 – 1400): Troilus and Criseyde / Mighty [Tall] oaks from tiny acorns grow. / (Great things may come from small beginnings.) More »


IMAGE: Great [Mighty/Tall] oaks from little [tiny] acorns grow.

樫の大木も始まりは小さなどんぐり。 – ジェフリー・チョーサー (1343頃 – 1400): 『トロイラスとクリセイデ』 / (小さなことから偉業となり得る) More »


IMAGE: Learn to love broadly, deeply and devotedly, and your lives cannot fail. With nobler desires, greater earnestness and wider sympathy not limited to just a few, but taking in the many even beyond the home, the weakest of us may attain success.

広く、深く、一心に愛することを学べば、人生に失敗などあり得ません。より気高い望みと、より大きな熱意と、限られたものだけでなく家や国さえ超えた多くのものとのより幅広い共感を持てれば、私たちがどんなにか弱い存在であっても成功を収め得るのです。 – 津田梅子 (1864 – 1929) More »


IMAGE: The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.

知識という名の島が大きくなればなるほど、不思議という名の海岸線も長くなる。 – ラルフ・W・ソックマン (1889 – 1970) / (知れば知るほど、無知…) More »

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