Search Results for: 忘れ


IMAGE: If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse.

夢見ることができるなら、それは実現できるんだ。いつだって忘れないでいてほしい――何もかもすべて、一匹のネズミから始まったということを。 – ウォルト・ディズニー (1901 – 66) More »

There are places I’ll…

IMAGE: There are places I'll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still can recall, / Some are dead and some are living, / In my life I've loved them all. //

There are places I’ll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still… More »

The Child is father…

IMAGE: The Child is father of the Man. [The Child is the father of the Man.] / A leopard cannot change his spots.

The Child is father of the Man. [The Child is the father of the Man.] – William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850): My Heart Leaps Up / A leopard cannot change his spots. More »


IMAGE: The Child is father of the Man. [The Child is the father of the Man.] / A leopard cannot change his spots.

(日本の諺)三つ子の魂百まで。[三つ子の魂百までも。] / (日本の諺)雀百まで踊り忘れず。 – 『いろは歌留多(上方)』 / 子供は大人の父親である。 – ウィリアム・ワーズワース (1770 – 1850): 『心は躍る』 / 豹の体の斑点を変えることはできない。 More »

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