Search Results for: joy

There is joy in work…

IMAGE: There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.

There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. – Henry Ford (1863 – 1947) (Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google… More »


IMAGE: Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.

何事も小さな仕事に分けてしまえば特に難しいことなどない。 – レイ・クロック[レイモンド・アルバート・クロック] (1902 – 84) (Image by NjoyHarmony on Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »

Always remember…

IMAGE: Always remember, it's simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons.

Always remember, it’s simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren’t any dragons. – Sarah Ban Breathnach (1947 – ): Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »


IMAGE: Always remember, it's simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons.

龍がいるから、冒険譚は面白い。 – サラ・バン・ブラナック (1947 – ): 『シンプルな豊かさ―癒しと喜びのデイブック』 (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: Pleasure and joy soon come and soon go.

一炊の夢(いっすいのゆめ)。[邯鄲の夢(かんたんのゆめ)。/盧生の夢(ろせいのゆめ)。] – 沈既済(しんきせい) (750頃? – 800頃?): 『枕中記(ちんちゅうき)』(中国~日本の諺) / 悦楽は長くは続かない。 More »

May I play something…

IMAGE: "May I play something of yours now?" I asked cheekily. Beethoven nodded with a smile. I played the first movement of the C Major Concerto. When I had ended, Beethoven seized both my hands, kissed me on the forehead and said gently: "Off with you! You're a happy fellow, for you'll give happiness and joy to many other people. There is nothing better or greater than that!"

“May I play something of yours now?” I asked cheekily. Beethoven nodded with a smile. I played the first movement of the C Major Concerto. When I had ended, Beethoven seized both my hands, kissed me on the forehead and… More »

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