Search Results for: nothing will come


IMAGE: Nothing will come of nothing. / Nothing comes of nothing.

無い袖は振れぬ。(日本の諺) / 無からは無しか出ぬ。 – ウィリアム・シェイクスピア (1564 – 1616): 『リア王』 / 無から有は生じない。 More »

Everyone seems to…

IMAGE: Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will be buried in the sediment before you know it and you will not be able to move. To challenge life and truly live, you must be reborn moment by moment and open your destiny. To do so, you must have nothing and be unconditional in mind and body. The more you throw away, the thicker and purer your life becomes.

Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will… More »


IMAGE: Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will be buried in the sediment before you know it and you will not be able to move. To challenge life and truly live, you must be reborn moment by moment and open your destiny. To do so, you must have nothing and be unconditional in mind and body. The more you throw away, the thicker and purer your life becomes.

人生は積み重ねだと誰でも思っているようだ。ぼくは逆に、積みへらすべきだと思う。財産も知識も、蓄えれば蓄えるほど、かえって人間は自在さを失ってしまう。過去の蓄積にこだわると、いつの間にか堆積物に埋もれて身動きができなくなる。人生に挑み、本当に生きるには、瞬間瞬間に新しく生まれかわって運命をひらくのだ。それには心身とも無一物、無条件でなければならない。捨てれば捨てるほど、いのちは分厚く、純粋にふくらんでくる。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『自分の中に毒を持て』 (Ninel_SによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

死は、我々にとっては何でもない。我々が存在するうちは、死はまだ訪れていないし、死が訪れた時には、我々はいないのだから。 – エピクロス (紀元前341頃 – 前270頃) More »

Restraint is a great…

IMAGE: Restraint is a great word, not only for actors but for everybody to remember. Restraint of tempers, appetites, desires, bad habits, and so on, is a mighty good thing to cultivate. One of the reasons I hated the early comedies in which I played was because there wouldn't be much "restraint" in hurling custard pies! One or two custard pies are funny, perhaps: but when nothing but custard pies is used to get laughs, the picture becomes monotonous.

Restraint is a great word, not only for actors but for everybody to remember. Restraint of tempers, appetites, desires, bad habits, and so on, is a mighty good thing to cultivate. One of the reasons I hated the early comedies… More »


IMAGE: Restraint is a great word, not only for actors but for everybody to remember. Restraint of tempers, appetites, desires, bad habits, and so on, is a mighty good thing to cultivate. One of the reasons I hated the early comedies in which I played was because there wouldn't be much "restraint" in hurling custard pies! One or two custard pies are funny, perhaps: but when nothing but custard pies is used to get laughs, the picture becomes monotonous.

抑制は、俳優だけでなく、誰もが覚えておくべき偉大な言葉だ。気性、食欲、欲望、悪い習慣などを抑制する力を養うのは、非常に良いことだ。私が演じた初期のコメディが嫌いだった理由の一つは、カスタードパイを投げるのにあまり「抑制」がなかったからだ! 一つか二つのカスタードパイは面白いかもしれないが、カスタードパイばかり使って笑わせていると、画面は単調になる。 – チャーリー・チャップリン[サー・チャールズ・スペンサー・チャップリン] (1889 – 1977) / (『アメリカン・マガジン』1918年11月号の「人々が笑うこと」というチャップリンによる記事から) (skeezeによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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