The year’s at the…

IMAGE: The year's at the spring, / And day's at the morn; / Morning's at seven; / The hill-side's dew-pearled; // The lark's on the wing; / The snail's on the thorn; / God's in his heaven— / All's right with the world! //

The year's at the spring, / And day's at the morn; / Morning's at seven; / The hill-side's dew-pearled; // The lark's on the wing; / The snail's on the thorn; / God's in his heaven— / All's right with the world! // - Robert Browning (1812 - 89): Pippa Passes (Pippa's Song)


時は春、/日は(あした)、/(あした)は七時、/片岡(かたをか)に露みちて、//揚雲雀(あげひばり)なのりいで、/蝸牛(かたつむり)(えだ)()ひ、/神、そらに知ろしめす。/すべて世は事も無し。// - ロバート・ブラウニング[ロバアト・ブラウニング] (1812 - 89): 『ピパ過ぎ行く[ピッパが通る]』(ピパの歌) (【訳】上田敏(うえだびん) (1874 - 1916): 『海潮音』春の(あした)


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