
IMAGE: To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be one with all things. To be one with all things is to be enlightened by all things, to be free from attachment to the body and mind of one's self and other's selves. And this traceless enlightenment continues forever.

仏道を習ふといふは、自己を習ふなり。自己を習ふといふは、自己を忘るゝなり。自己を忘るゝといふは、万法に証せらるゝなり。万法に証せらるゝといふは、自己の身心および他己の身心をして脱落せしむるなり。悟迹の休歇なるあり。休歇なる悟迹を長々出ならしむ。 - 道元 (1200 - 53): 『正法眼蔵(しょうぼうげんぞう)現成公案(げんじょうこうあん)
/ (脱落(とつらく)解脱(げだつ)万法(まんぽう)万物(ばんぶつ)悟迹(ごしゃく)=悟りの跡、休歇(きゅうけつ)=休止、長々出(ちょうちょうしゅつ)=永遠)

(Peter HempelによるPixabayからの画像)

(Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ)


To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be one with all things. To be one with all things is to be enlightened by all things, to be free from attachment to the body and mind of one's self and other's selves. And this traceless enlightenment continues forever. - Dōgen [Dôgen] (1200 - 53): Shōbōgenzō [Shôbô-Genzô] Genjōkōan [Genjô-Kôan]


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