Scales fall from…

IMAGE: Scales fall from one's eyes. / Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again.

Scales fall from one's eyes.
/ Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. - Bible: "The Acts of the Apostles" Chapter 9:18
/ (Saul = Saint Paul)

(Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


/ たちどころに、サウロの目から鱗のようなものが落ち、彼は再び見えるようになった。 - 聖書: 『使徒行伝』第9章18節
/ (サウロ=聖パウロ)


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