Search Results for: いろは

The stone you throw…

IMAGE: The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face.

The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face. More »


IMAGE: The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face.

天を仰ぎて唾す(てんをあおぎてつばきす)。[天に唾する(てんにつばする)。/天に向かって唾を吐く。] – 『四十二章経(しじゅうにしょうきょう)』(迦葉摩騰(かしょうまとう)・竺法蘭(じくほうらん)の共訳) / 投げた石は自分の頭に落ちてくる。 / 風に向かって唾吐けば、自分の顔に降り懸かる。 / (日本の諺)身から出た錆。 – いろは歌留多(江戸) More »


IMAGE: Money makes the mare go. [Money makes the mare to go.] / Money makes the world go round.

地獄の沙汰も金次第。 – 『いろは歌留多(上方)』(日本の諺) / 金を出すなら牝馬でも行かせる。 / 金が世界を回す。[世の中は金次第。] More »


IMAGE: Art holds fast when all else is lost.

芸は身を助ける。[芸が身を助ける。] – 『いろは歌留多(江戸)』(日本の諺) / すべて失っても芸だけは残る。[すべて失っても芸術だけは残る。] More »

Misfortunes never come…

IMAGE: Misfortunes never come singly. [Misfortunes seldom come singly.] / One misfortune rides upon another's back. / It never rains but it pours.

Misfortunes never come singly. [Misfortunes seldom come singly.] / One misfortune rides upon another’s back. / It never rains but it pours. More »


IMAGE: Misfortunes never come singly. [Misfortunes seldom come singly.] / One misfortune rides upon another's back. / It never rains but it pours.

泣きっ面に蜂。 – 『いろは歌留多(江戸)』(日本の諺) / 弱り目に祟り目。(日本の諺) / 不幸は一つだけではこない。 / 災難は続くもの。 / 降るときは必ずどしゃ降り。 More »

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