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IMAGE: You got to live; / You got to love; / You got to be somebody; / You got to shove. / But it's so hard, / It's really hard. / Sometimes I feel like going down. //

生きなきゃならない。/愛さなきゃならない。/立派にならなきゃ。/押しのけなきゃ。/でもとてもしんどい、/本当にしんどい。/時々ダウンしたくなる。// – ジョン・レノン (1940 – 80): 『イッツ・ソー・ハード』 More »


IMAGE: Nothing is hard to a willing mind. [Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.] / Who likes not his business, his business likes not him.

好きこそものの上手なれ。(日本の諺) / 進んでやる気があれば困難なし。[進んでやる気があれば不可能なし。] / 自分の商売を愛さない者は、商売のほうでも愛してくれない。 More »

Monday’s child is fair…

IMAGE: Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is full of woe; Thursday's child has far to go; Friday's child is loving and giving; Saturday's child works hard for a living; and the child that is born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

Monday’s child is fair of face; Tuesday’s child is full of grace; Wednesday’s child is full of woe; Thursday’s child has far to go; Friday’s child is loving and giving; Saturday’s child works hard for a living; and the child… More »


IMAGE: Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is full of woe; Thursday's child has far to go; Friday's child is loving and giving; Saturday's child works hard for a living; and the child that is born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

月曜の子は器量良く、火曜の子は気立て善し。水曜の子は涙に暮れ、木曜の子は旅に暮れる。金曜の子は生けるものを献身的に愛し、土曜の子は生きるために懸命に働く。安息日に生まれてくる子は、可愛く快活、陽気でよろしい。 – 『マザーグース』より More »

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