Search Results for: nothing


IMAGE: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. [What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.]

今までにあったことはこれからもあるだろう、なされたことはまたなされるだろう、太陽の下に新しいものはない[日の下に新しきものなし]。 – (旧約)聖書: 『伝道の書』第1章9節 (catalin serbanによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.

何も驚くに当たらない。適切な鍵盤を適切な時に叩きさえすれば、あとは楽器がちゃんと演奏してくれるよ。 – ヨハン・ゼバスティアン[ヨハン・セバスチャン/J・S]・バッハ (1685 – 1750) (Image by WolfBlur on Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »


IMAGE: Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.

何事も小さな仕事に分けてしまえば特に難しいことなどない。 – レイ・クロック[レイモンド・アルバート・クロック] (1902 – 84) (Image by NjoyHarmony on Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »

Half a loaf is…

IMAGE: Half a loaf is better than no bread. / Something is better than nothing. / A little is better than none.

Half a loaf is better than no bread. [Half a loaf is better than none.] / Something is better than nothing. / A little is better than none. / (Similar expressions: A bad bush is better than the open field.)… More »


IMAGE: Half a loaf is better than no bread. / Something is better than nothing. / A little is better than none.

パン半分でもないよりはあった方が良い。 / 何かがあることは、何もないよりましである。 / 少しでもないよりはまし。 / (類似表現:枯れ木も山の賑わい。) (Image by Nordwing on Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate) More »

He was wise enough…

IMAGE: He was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset.

He was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset. – Charles Dickens [Charles John Huffam Dickens] (1812 – 70): A… More »


IMAGE: He was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset.

いつであれ、どこであれ、何かが始まる時にそれを笑い飛ばす人々が必ずいることくらい、賢明な彼には分かっていた。 – チャールズ・ディケンズ (1812 – 70): 『クリスマス・キャロル』「その結末」(【訳】岡本健(おかもとけん) (1963 – )) / (「彼」=(改心した)スクルージ) More »

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