Search Results for: wood


IMAGE: I've never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves -- it's just a question of finding the subject.

天才に出会ったことなど一度もないね。俺の言う天才は、嫌いなことでも得意な奴。誰だって好きなことは得意になれる――ただ、それが見つかるかどうかの問題なんだ。 – クリント・イーストウッド (1930 – ) More »

Today is a microcosm…

IMAGE: Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is your whole life in miniature. You were "born" when you woke up, and you'll "die" when you go to sleep.

Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is your whole life in miniature. You were “born” when you woke up, and you’ll “die” when you go to sleep. – John (Robert) Wooden (1910 – 2010) — Steve Chandler:… More »


IMAGE: Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is your whole life in miniature. You were "born" when you woke up, and you'll "die" when you go to sleep.

今日はあなたの人生全体の縮図。全人生のミニチュア版です。目覚めとともに「生まれ」たあなたは、眠る時には「死ぬ」のです。 – ジョン・ウッドン[ウッデン] (1910 – 2010) — スティーヴ・チャンドラー: 『自分をやる気にさせる100の方法』(47. 今日を傑作に) More »


IMAGE: In the time of mirth take heed. / Don't halloo till you are out of the wood(s).

勝って兜の緒を締めよ。(日本の諺) / 喜びに浮かれる時こそ注意せよ。 / 森の外に出る前に歓声を上げるな。 More »

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