You sometimes have…

IMAGE: You sometimes have to use the carrot and the stick to motivate someone. [You sometimes have to use carrot and stick to motivate someone.]

You sometimes have to use the carrot and the stick to motivate someone. [You sometimes have to use carrot and stick to motivate someone.] - Okamoto Ken [Take Moon OK] (1963 - )

(Image by heathervalentin0 from Pixabay)
/ (Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


やる気を起こさせるには「飴と鞭」も時には必要。 - 岡本健 (1963 - )
/ (人を働かせるにはアメと鞭を。(投稿:YM 様))


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