Search Results for: ルカ


IMAGE: The question is which is to be master.

問題はどちらが主人になるかだ。 – ルイス・キャロル (1832 – 98): 『鏡の国のアリス』(ハンプティ・ダンプティ) (挿絵: ジョン・テニエル) More »

Young people…

IMAGE: Young people searching for their "real self" must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one's daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently than any amount of introspection or intellection.

Young people searching for their “real self” must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one’s daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently… More »


IMAGE: Young people searching for their "real self" must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one's daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently than any amount of introspection or intellection.

「本当の自分」を探している若者は、本当の自分とは、自身が見い出すよりも作り出す部分のほうが大きいことを学ばなければならない;そうして内省や思索をどれほど重ねようとも、人の日常の行動こそが、はるかに永続的に内面の人格を形作るのだ。 – シドニー・J・ハリス (1917 – 86): 『当分の間』 (Chris ChrisによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do (the) something that I can do. [I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.]

私は一人でしかないけれど、一人でもここにいる。何でもできるわけじゃないけれど、何かできることはある。できないことがあるからと言って、できることまで拒みはしない。 – エドワード・エヴェレット・ヘイル[エドワード・エベレット・ヘール (1822 – 1909) More »

There are simply two…

IMAGE: There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind. Classical writers may venture into classical territory, but the only yardstick by which the result should be judged is simply that of how it sounds. If it sounds good it's successful; if it doesn't it has failed.

There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind. Classical writers may venture into classical territory, but the only yardstick by which the result should be judged is simply that of how it sounds. If it… More »


IMAGE: There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind. Classical writers may venture into classical territory, but the only yardstick by which the result should be judged is simply that of how it sounds. If it sounds good it's successful; if it doesn't it has failed.

音楽には二種類しかない、良い音楽とそれ以外だ。クラシックの領域に踏み込むのもいいが、結果が判断されるべき唯一の基準は、単純にそれがどう聞こえるかということ。心地良く聞こえるなら成功;そうでないなら失敗だ。 – デューク・エリントン[エドワード・ケネディ・エリントン] (1899 – 1974) (Stephen FarrugiaによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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